Winn Parish Background Information
Winn Parish is found in Louisiana. The total population of Winn Parish in 2021 was 13,488. The current parish seat in Winn Parish is Winnfield.
The parish was founded in 1852.
It was named for either Walter Winn or Winfield Scott.
Winn Parish Arrest Records
All crimes in the Winn Parish area have records kept on them. Crimes in Winn Parish are separated into two categories; violent crime and property crime. 34 violent and 40 property crimes occurred in Winn Parish back in 2021. Winn Parish Sheriff's Office can be contacted at:
Winn Parish Sheriff's Office
Sheriff: Cranford Jordan
119 West Main
Courthouse Room 106
Winnfield, LA 71483
Phone: (318) 628-4611
Fax: (318) 628-7969
Winn Parish Criminal Records
Winn Parish reports its criminal activities in the form of criminal records. These records cover murders, rapes, burglaries, arson, motor vehicle theft, assaults, and crimes of sexual nature. In Winn Parish, criminal records are consistently updated. These records profile anyone in Winn Parish who is a sex offender and lives, works, attends school, or is jailed. This register is accessible by the public in Winn Parish.
Residents of Winn Parish can use a search tool to find offenders in the area. The relevant search tool can be found online. A searcher must simply enter a ZIP code to serve as the center of their search. The website will then list all sex offenders found within a given radius of this pinpointed location in Winn Parish. Citizens can also lookup specific offenders in Winn Parish. Non-compliant and jailed offenders are also shown in the results.
Winn Parish Court Records
In Winn Parish, the courthouse oversees all criminal, family, and civil cases. The court clerk maintains all Winn Parish court records. Court records can be accessed at:
Winn Parish Clerk of Court Office
Circuit Clerk: Chesney Creel Chandler
119 West Main Street
Room 103
Winnfield, LA 71483
Phone: (318) 628-3515
Fax: (318) 628-3527
In the state of Louisiana, the Court of Appeals has the power to consider any lower court case in which one party appeals. The lower courts over which the Court of Appeals manages the 64 superior or trial courts across the 64 parishes, including Winn Parish.
NOTE - Typical records can be delivered to the requester by fax, email, or mail. However, all official records can only be sent via mail in Winn Parish.
Winn Parish Public Records
Every person within the Winn Parish region has vital records maintained on them. The Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics oversees the vital records system and records health-related statistical data for the state of Louisiana, including Winn Parish. Having duplicate copies keeps the files safe, and they may then be applied for statistical analysis in the future.
All Winn Parish people can access and copy all vital public records as per Louisiana Public Records Act, which was passed in 1940. This allows individuals to access, inspect and take a copy of public records. Winn Parish locals can acquire copies of public records physically at:
Winn Parish Clerk’s Office
119 West Main Street
Room 103
Winnfield, LA 71483
Phone: (318) 628-3515
Fax: (318) 628-3527
Nonetheless, records come with a charge in Winn Parish. For instance, Winn Parish marriage records cost $25.00 per first copy.
NOTE - A resident may visit between 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday to obtain records in person in Winn Parish. To acquire records in Winn Parish, residents need to provide photo identification. This could be a driver’s license or state ID. Winn Parish insists on only written records access applications.